Landon woke up this morning with a ziploc bag full of three dollar bills and eight quarters. He came running down stairs in delight, "Mom, I got the rich tooth fairy! Look how much she left me!" I looked his money over and had him count it. "Mom, I heard the tooth fairy last night! She came through the window. I know because I heard the window open and close."
If only it had been that simple. The door had been left open so there was no noise as I entered. Xander and Landon were sleeping on the top bunk together. Landon was sprawled firmly across his pillow. I maneuvered my hand underneath trying to feel for the plastic bag his tooth was in. Finally I had a firm grip and gently pulled. Even with my stealth techniques the pulling caused Landon to lift his head, eyes closed and then smack it right down into Xander's unsuspecting head.

Xander grumbled and looked around sleepily as I ducked and dangled onto their bed ladder. I was crouched rather funny and knew the odd scene would send anyone into hysterics over my strange predicament. I'm not sure how long I stayed bunched up on the ladder but after enough time passed and I hadn't seen any fuzzy little heads pop up I proceeded. I quickly shoved the bag of money under his pillow and darted from the room.

This afternoon Landon and I went to Toys R Us. He had a $3 gift card from being in their birthday club. He took his tooth fairy money as well. After much deliberation he decided on A GI Joe Duke Mighty Mugg. He was pretty pleased with what he ended up with.
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