The debate is now what to do after that. My original plan was ultrasound tech but the program was full. My back up was Vet tech but I talked to an advisor that thinks I should get my pre-vet and then go on to be a full veterinarian. For now I am leaning towards Vet-tech as the time and financial commitment for full vet is immense. Having five young children they are my priority. I don't want to miss too much of their childhood. This is why I'm taking online and night classes. In the summer I'll only be away Thursday nights.
But today I had to make sure I had my Chemistry prerequisite up and going. I'm going to complete a self study course to meet that. They give you eight months to complete the two courses but I need it done in less than two. But I'm registered for everything and with my current credits and registered classes I have enough to qualify for graduation in May. I just made the cut off date for graduation. Tomorrow was the last day to sign up to be able to walk in the ceremony.
As for the kids I spent the morning with them. We played games, read books and relaxed. Jadzia has begun to refer to Inara as her real live baby doll. She will squeeze Inara tight while she sings "I have a real live baby doll". Inara seems a bit annoyed with the squeezing. Inara has begun pointing at everything until I tell her what it is. She's also enjoying to drop things just to see where they go. She was in her jumperoo today and she threw a stuffed dog behind her and she turned around to find it and after I handed it to her we started the game all over again.
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