December 2009 I first learned that Ronan had a hearing loss. When he was six months old I set up an appointment at a hearing booth. I had been told that children with Down Syndrome should be screened for hearing loss on a six month basis. The booth told me that Ronan had failed his first newborn hearing test in the hospital. The hospital did not tell me. They told me he passed because he did pass the second type.

This was important information that I should have been told because the first test indicated fluid build up which can cause damage and of course make Ronan hear everything as though he was under water. I was floored by the fact no one had told me and I had carried my baby around for six months not knowing he couldn't hear that well. The first step was ear tubes. We had those done a month after the hearing test. The help from the tubes was minimal at best and a BAER was finally scheduled two months after the tubes which confirmed moderate to severe hearing loss.
A month after that Ronan was fitted for hearing aides and two weeks later finally had them. In summary his hearing loss was indicated at birth but I was not told . If I had not done my research and discovered he needed a hearing check who knows how long Ronan would have gone with very limited hearing. Then it was six months from diagnosis to the time his hearing aides were first put in his ears. I have been told not to be surprised if Ronan never speaks. When he called me "Mama" at ten months old I was told that was impossible. But Ronan defeats the "impossible" on a regular basis. And I have been determined to find a way to communicate with my son.

While every child is unique and different children with Down Syndrome tend to be visual learners. Sign language seemed to be the best avenue to pursue. Ronan can currently sign 6 words consistently with his favorite being "Daddy". He does four more randomly which means he utilizes around ten signs. Today he and I went to Gigi's playhouse signing time introduction. Gigi's is going to use the signing time program to have weekly classes for four months.
I was asked if I wanted to be one of the four moms to teach the class but I don't feel confident enough to teach any of it yet. Perhaps next year. I'm excited for the classes. I look forward to the day Ronan will tell me his favorite color or what he learned in class and most of all I love you.

Xander spent quite awhile building a lego sky scraper today. I think the boy might follow Daddy's footsteps and be a builder.
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