The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
He Turned Six
Today my baby boy turned six. I can't fathom that it was six years ago I became a mother. I was induced with him and I was extremely nervous the night before. They were inducing me the day before my due date because of severe pelvic pain. According to the doctor he was dropped as low as he could be without being born and had been that way for well over six weeks. I had gotten to the point walking was impossible. Since I was pushing 4 centimeters dilated and 85% effaced for that same amount of time the doctors decided to go ahead. My best friends Marie and Stacia were there along with my mom and mother in-law. Also a student nurse, Megan was present. Megan needed to see a live birth for one of her classes. I had signed up saying it was ok for a student nurse to be present and Megan called me. She was awesome and I'm glad I had her. She was more like a doula. She kept me calm when Landon's oxygen levels dropped considerably. My dad and Isaac's best friend Caleb were also present but in the waiting room. Oh and of course Isaac was there. Less than five hours of labor and I was holding my baby. When Landon was born Isaac cried at the sight of his first born son and that's all it took for me. One look at tears of joy streaming down Isaac's face and my own tears started to flow as they handed him to me. He was beautiful. I remember being told newborns look like wrinkled old people and often shock their parents at their lack of cuteness. But not Landon he was beautiful a fact which brought more tears. Now he is six! He is energetic, happy, loving, sympathetic. He is the best big brother and wants me to have 50 more kids because he feels he can take care of all of them. He is extremely smart and he out wits me most of the time. I don't know how many times he's thrown me completely off guard by the wisdom that comes out of his mouth.Today when he woke up he had a present from Grandpa and Grandma Spencer. They got him a Khung Zhu pet with armor. He has one zhu zhu pet but this was his first khung zhu and now he's wanting more so they can battle. He is all boy. Grandma and Grandpa Fullmer called and sang happy birthday to Landon.We broke about every food rule today. We had doughnuts for breakfast. Then we had cupcakes with an extra special cupcake for Landon. His cupcake had a red candle and he made a wish but then Xander blew out his candle while Landon's eyes were closed wishing. For this reason we had to relight the candle so we could be sure his wish would come true. For the afternoon Isaac took just Landon out to see a movie. They had a guys' day.My mom brought McDonalds because Landon wanted the young justice league toys that had been advertised for the happy meals. Isaac missed the memo and brought a giant pizza for everyone. Landon was well thought of today. Now it's bed time but the celebration isn't over. Saturday the fun begins. Grandma and Grandpa Spencer are sponsoring a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party. Landon will get his actual cake then. It's been a great day but I feel the slight need to tear up as I do every year my baby inches closer to adulthood. I can imagine his 18th birthday will be a doozy for me. I love my big six year old boy!
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