Sunday, March 20, 2011

Finger Recovery

Jadzia spent the day with mommy recovering. She was pretty sore when she woke up and we made use of the Tylenol with Codeine the ER doctor had prescribed for her. We cuddled on the couch and her cat the ER gave her and fairy doll from grandma were her constant companions. She got up to play and had her hand on the ground and Ronan sat on it which caused it to bleed slightly.
This caused the tears to flow all over again and the bandage needed changed. Around the same time the ER called to check on her and I asked them if I needed to remake the bandage with gauze since the 24 hour bandage requirement hadn't been fulfilled. The nurse told me I could put a band-aid on it with neosporin as long as the sticky didn't touch the stitches. Isaac ran out to the pharmacy and brought kid's neosporin and Tinkerbell band-aids. I was extra careful to ensure that the non-sticky part could cover the entire stitched area.She was much happier having the Tinkerbell bandaid over it instead of the gauze. Since the beginning she has thought her finger looked unsightly and kept trying to cover it when someone would remove a bandage. Last night while she was on the loopy medication she held her then unstitched finger in the air and proclaimed with a pout "It looks gross.". Today when the bandage had to be changed she saw her stitches for the first time and got worried. She thought her finger was very dirty and needed washed.For the evening Landon was itching to try out the clay he'd gotten at Chuck E. Cheese. He was nice enough to share with everyone. Xander and I teamed up. He made a rock and tree and I made a lady bug. Jadzia made an icecream cone with three scoops. Landon made a dragonfly and a bunch of snakes.
The day has been very relaxing and needed after the chaos of yesterday. We have a pretty busy week ahead and needed an easy day.

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