Monday, March 28, 2011

Rock Throwers

I did not take any pictures of today which is a first since I started the blog. I'll fill in with old pictures. I had an eye doctor appointment today and had to have my mom drive me since they were dilating my eyes. I decided to go to the clinic the boys got to. Neither Jadzia nor Inara have had an eye appointment yet. The boys see the pediatric doctor and even though I wouldn't be able to see him I like their staff and figured it would be a good choice.The appointment went well. My vision is the same and everything is still a blur without my glasses or contacts. Health wise he said my eyes look healthy with no apparent problems. Shortly after that I found out the only glasses they have on site are pediatric ones and I would have to get mine from somewhere else. I'm in need of glasses. Ronan doesn't like his glasses and I think he's come to the conclusion no one else wants to wear glasses either. He is constantly removing my glasses then smiling or hugging me. I know he thinks he's doing me a favor. The damage happens when he comes from behind and pulls the side. I know one of these days they're going to just snap. This is why a back up pair would be a wise idea.For the afternoon my mom was going to sit with the kids while Isaac and I ran errands. We didn't have much luck. I went to a glasses store I knew would have glasses covered by our insurance but they are closed on Mondays. Next we went to get me a different drivers license it got left in the car once and the heat from the sun created a bubble. Come to find out the drivers license place was also closed on Mondays.

Next we pulled in to go to the doctor and as we enter the drive a kid in a car intentionally throws a bunch of rocks at our car. Issac's window was rolled down and one flew and hit him in the neck and the rest scattered over the top and hit the windshield. We got their license plate number and took it to the police station. We'll see what becomes of that. Isaac and I grabbed a bite to eat and then it was time for my class. By the time I got home my mom had put my kids in bed. I feel I haven't seen them at all today and I miss them. This would also be why there's no pictures and why I've resorted to using old ones.

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