5:00 am was dark and cold. I know because that was the time I was up and trying to determine how to dress Ronan. 6 degrees above freezing called for me to put Ronan in a coat but I recently watched a carseat video about how it's unsafe to have your child wear their winter coat in the carseat. The plan was to start the car, put the coat and blanket on Ronan to the car then remove coat while in the car since the car would already be warm.

I got the apple sauce then squinted down the row of registers trying to find any open ones. Clear on the other side of the store there was one open register. I scurried quickly but there was a lady with a large cart full of bags of candy. She had about thirty different types of candy and wanted literally everyone of them price checked before she decided if she wanted to buy any. After the fifth price checked bag and agreement to purchase I knew this five minute apple sauce trip had expanded into about fifteen minutes. Just as I thought I might ditch the apple sauce I heard "I can help you over here." I was in a near run to the newly open register. A lady with a full cart made it first but after seeing my bewildered look and the small jar of apple sauce in my hand she told me to go before her. I could tell by the level of her "Your welcome" that she had picked up in my thank you that she had just been involved in life saving measures.
We made it back to the car and I slipped his coat back off and into the carseat he went. I now had ten minutes to make a fifteen minute drive. As we drove into the parking lot a sudden sensation of confusion began to seep into my mind. Only two cars? I got Ronan out and put his coat back on. We made it into the building with Ronan on my hip and bags and paperwork in the other. The lady at the front desk shot me an uh oh look.
"Didn't they tell you we had to get this building re-registered because it's under new ownership. So temporarily we have moved." My eyes went slightly wide. She proceeded to give me directions. "The first stop light after you leave here go left and then on the left there will be a canopy in front of a building and that's it." "First stop light go left?" "Yes."
I headed back out to the car and off went the coat. I went left at the first stop light. There were two buildings side by side, both had canopys. The first was dark and the second said surgery on it. I went with the second. I put the coat back on and in we went. "Eye surgery?" I asked hesitantly. "No, we're orthopedics. Try over that way there a re lot of medical things over there." This time when I removed Ronan's coat and buckled him in he let out a wail in protest of being taken in and out of his carseat. I decided the best move would be to go where the orthopedics ladies had suggested. I went to what would have been the second stop light and turned left on the left there was a canopy building. I made the determination that if this was not it then I was going home and calling them to tell them I had not been told of the new location and we had gotten lost.

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