This morning the boys wanted to assert their independence at breakfast. Landon and Xander wanted to fix breakfast all by themselves. The food of choice was fruit loops. Landon poured and Xander was the bowl holder. After each bowl was filled Landon would carefully take it to the table and place a spoon inside. With this kind of service I may be out of cooking duty all together.

Xander's dream that has lasted half his life of two whole years is to be a chef with his own restaurant. I find this a unique career choice for a four year old especially since the desire began when he was two and he has been unwavering in his dream. My plan is to try and find him a chef's hat for Christmas. For the most part there was little mess; just a few scattered fruit loops. They did all the clean up so there isn't anything I can really complain about.

For school Landon wrote all his uppercase and lowercase letters. He was so proud of them that he had me take a picture so his Grandma could see. He's improving greatly on his writing skills not only can he write all his letters but he can also write all his numbers.

Inara's fever spiked to 103 and would not come down even with Tylenol. After a call to the pediatrician the nurse suggested she should be seen. The nurse thought Inara's fever was too high for a baby her age and she should be looked at. The office was closing at this point so they told me to take her to urgent care. I complied because I figured it was good to make sure now and I wanted to avoid a possible midnight ER trip.

We only waited about ten minutes in the waiting room and the doctor saw her almost immediately after we were taken back. While we were there I showed the doctor her foot to be assured it was healing properly. He looked at it and asked me if we had brought her here when it happened. I told him we hadn't because they had been closed when the incident occurred. He told me this last weekend he had treated a baby that had the exact same thing happen on the exact same foot. He said her foot looked identical. I know for sure he wasn't the same doctor we saw and he said he never works the ER so it was just a coincidence. He said her foot was healing great and that the skin was completely healed over so the risk of infection is gone. Her diagnosis for the fever was stomach virus and any new symptoms she needs to be seen right away again.
Isaac and I are in for another movie tonight. We have Netflix so we usually watch a movie after we put the kids to bed. I'm glad we have our nightly routine because it helps me unwind and relax.
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