Two weeks and one day ago Ronan had his eye surgery which made today the appointed day for eye follow-up. With a bit of irony Ronan woke up with a severely matted eye for the first time since his surgery. We arrived a bit early and waited. One big pull and Ronan had his hearing aides and glasses off just as they called his name. He still has that round piece that helps keep them in place but when he does accomplish removal putting them back into place is very difficult. Not having time to spend a grueling five minutes battling out glasses/hearing aide placement I carried him back with them hanging loosely around his neck.
I had the hope I'd be able to have them back on before the doctor got into the room but for the first time ever the doctor was waiting in the room. He immediately looked at the misplaced glasses and pointed to the chair. I sat and attempted to explain he really does use them for more than a necklace and I suppose it wouldn't have been a big deal but this thing happens every time we go and the doctor has yet to see Ronan in the exam room with glasses where they are designed to be.
Turns out Ronan has to stay on the antibiotic drops for a week longer and if the matting hasn't resolved another visit will be needed. The doctor also said Ronan would need eye muscle surgery in a year or two. As the doctor was leaving he said what he usually does. "Make sure he's wearing those glasses. He can definitively see much better with them. Even if he put up a fuss keep at it." A twinge of unnecessary guilt rose a little as I adjusted Ronan's glasses. Why does he always have to take them off right before the doctor enters the room?

When we got home Jadzia was begging me to wear the ladybug costume I found with our storage items. She ran around all day pretending she was a lady bug. The only way I convinced her to change for bed later on was that she hadn't worn her new butterfly pajamas yet. I guess the intrigue of new pajamas was more intense than further wearing of the lady bug costume. I had to run and grab Ronan's prescription and when I got back from that I discovered that I had won a prize from that Harvest party we had gone to a few weeks back.

I guess this is my year to win small drawing prizes because this is the third one. At the beginning of this year I won four tickets to Disney live, then there was the gym membership and now some prize I have to go pick up tomorrow. I'll be sure to let all of you know what it is after I pick it up.
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