Today I finally sold some of the excess clothing I'd been trying to get rid of for about a month now. Not only is there less clutter on the porch but I have some extra spending money. With the excitement from selling in the air I sorted more clothes and posted mores clothing lots for sale. This took up most of my day and the rest was spent playing with the babies.

Report from Grandma's was that both Landon and Jadzia appear to have colds. She said that they coughed for most of the night. Landon informed her he hadn't been feeling well for awhile but had hid the details so I wouldn't take him to the doctor. They spent most of the day outside and Landon pulled Jadzia in the wagon. Xander rode his tricycle and told Grandma that this was the best time he had his entire life. The SUV is proving to be more trouble than originally suspected so Isaac is taking off to his parent's tomorrow to make sure he gets there in enough time for his dad's gun show on Friday.

I'm going to miss all of them and I know I'll have to keep myself busy. I think this will give me time to work on my end of the semester papers. As I was going through clothes today I found a hat and decided I had to take pictures of Inara in it. She looks adorbale even though her daddy finds the hat ridiculous. Isaac views bonnets, headbands and strange hats as baby torture. But you be the judge I think she looks cute.

Your kids are so adorable, love the hat!!! LOL