Today was a great birthday for me. I woke up around 7:00 am like every other morning got the kids fed and dressed. I was looking forward to the plans Isaac had for us this evening and that was all my expectations were set on. Isaac came home around 11:00 and told me not to fix the kids lunch. I inquired if he was planning lunch. He casually said "Yes, I'm having a friend come over to help me with the car. They are going to bring lunch." This struck me as odd but I went with it since I guessed Isaac had asked his friend to bring lunch so I wouldn't have to make anything on my birthday.

I was sitting on the couch talking to Inara when Isaac walked passed me. "Is your friend here?" I asked him "Yep, I'm going to go let them in." I got up to get the kids to sit at the table. Isaac came back in and behind him stood his mom with pizza and bread sticks. My father in-law carried in two balloons and some presents. Turns out I did have a surprise party this year after all.

After lunch my mother in-law brought out a cupcake with two candles in it. I blew both candles out effortlessly which I guess was a malfunction since they were supposed to be trick candles. I opened my presents which were scrap-booking items. The albums already had background paper and stickers included. Now maybe I can get caught up on each of the kids' albums.

Grandma couldn't visit without presents for the kids. She brought a big bag full of stickers, coloring books, and construction paper. The kids sat on the floor while she pulled each item from the bag. I had fun watching them get their presents and it added to my birthday. Further discussion brought up the fact Isaac was going to be headed to his parent's this weekend and this would be a good time for them to take the three big kids back with them. Landon and Xander have been wanting to see Megamind and a theater close to my in-laws has reasonable ticket pricing.

I did a quick pack for Landon, Xander and Jadzia and they did end up going up to their grandparent's. Isaac will bring them back next week. I will be an entire week without them and will just have the two babies. I'm thinking I will put my birthday presents to good use and scrapbook. With the big kids in Marengo and the fact it was my birthday I took a nap. I woke up around 4:00 and started getting the babies ready for my mom to watch them. Once they were fed and changed I got myself ready.

We actually made it out the door on time and Isaac still wasn't telling where we were going. All I knew is he had a reservation for some restaurant and that's why he had been very precise on when we had to leave. We arrived at a locally owned restaurant that we'd never eaten at before. Once inside I saw the room was lit by candle light alone and tables for two made up the majority of the seating space. Isaac and I had good conversation as we waited for our food. The food was delicious and I was able to finish all my food but was quite full. Isaac's friend from college was one of the chefs so he bought us dessert.

With dinner done Isaac drove us into downtown and it looked like we were going to drive out of town when he pulled over and we took a walk on this bridge. We held hands and looked down into the water. There were a couple of men fishing below the bridge despite the fact it was pretty dark. We walked the length of the bridge and then turned around. With bridges on the mind Isaac decided I should see the other walking bridge that the city had just built. 2 million dollars for a walking bridge that connected two uneventful parts of the city. We took a brief walk on that bridge and then headed back in the car.

Isaac said we needed to kill time before the next activity so we headed to a book store. This is one of our favorite things to do. There have been many nights when Isaac and I have just browsed the book store and I always find a dozen or so books I want to buy but usually walk out with none with the reminder to search the library. As the night was coming to a close we topped everything off with a movie and then headed home. I had an awesome birthday and much more than I had even fathomed.
awww your husband is so thoughtful! If i want to do somthing for my birthday or anniversary i have to plan it...