The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Escapee Gets a New Bed
My Inara is five months old today! We are ever creeping forward to that six month mark where they start to go from little baby to big mobile baby. She is scooting forward a little, can turn herself in a complete circle, she can sit alone for about 30 seconds and then she leans forward a bit. She has a budding sense of humor and is wary of strangers. She also is a little dramatic and will yell at Ronan if he takes her toys away. Another cute things she's learned is how to work all the toys on her jumperoo. She know which to push, which to turn sideways and which to roll up and down. Ronan got a new bed today. I had to put him in a playpen instead of a crib because he likes to hit his head. Since he has a high pain tolerance he can hurt himself and not realize it. His hearing teachers says he's trying to compensate for diminished senses and since it doesn't hurt him he likes the feel. So to fix this he needs a mesh side but he somehow managed to rip the side in his play pen and ventured out today. Upon him being discovering underneath his play pen with his head sticking out smiling it was decided he needed a new bed.My dad offered to watch the babies while my mom drove me to the store. I'm glad to have my parents around because with Isaac being gone I wouldn't have been able to do everything I needed to do the last few days.I did get Inara's scrapbook complete last night so she is all caught up until present day. I'm starting backwards so maybe the little kids will finally have some pictures in their albums. Also since it's another month birthday for Inara she got a photo shoot. It may be because I'm her mommy and I'm extremely partial to my babies' cuteness but I think Inara becomes more photogenic every month. She makes picture taking easy. Here are some more of her pictures.
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