The clutter corner has remained clean but proved problematic for Ronan today. I had to put laundry away so I put up our massive gate to keep him from getting into trouble. At least that was the idea. He was blocked in the living room area where there was nothing he could get into and just had some toys to keep him occupied.

As I was placing the last of Jadzia's pjs in her drawer I heard this frustrated scream rising from downstairs. I dropped my basket and bolted in desperate need to get to my distressed child. When I turned the corner into the living room I stopped and evaluated the best method to release Ronan from his predicament. His head was wedged firm between the two couches. His legs were forward as though he had been sitting up but his face was flat on the ground and his head was stuck solid. He was folded in half ( not uncommon for Ronan). He was whimpering at this point and I gently pulled to see if I could get him out to no success. I pushed the love seat to the side and his head was free.

I picked him up and scrutinized every inch of his head to make sure he wasn't injured. More than anything I think it hurt his feelings. He looked up at me with his Ronan pout. The Ronan pout is patented uniquely to Ronan because I have never seen a cuter pout in my life. I snuggled him on my shoulder and he reached up with a thank you kiss on my cheek. The pout faded and I was greeted with a huge smile of relief. The picture below was not taken today but a few moths ago but I thought it demonstrates effectively how adorable the Ronan pout is.

New clothes means new photo shoot. This is a monumental undertaking and one I freely torture myself with way too often. Our sessions usually go something like this. "Every body sit on the couch." "Why?" "Because mommy needs a new picture of all of you together." "Why?" "Because it makes mommy happy to memorialize how you look currently." "What's memorialize?" Why do I have the ever increasing need to increase their vocabulary? I had this brief thought as I tried to find a definition to describe memorialize that would not bring on a dozen other questions. "Just sit on the couch so we can get a picture."

"Jadzia quit squishing Inara's face! Xander quit making that face, Landon worry about yourself not everybody else! Someone grab Ronan before he face plants off the couch! Inara don't cry, baby. " These are words that spill from my mouth at every photo shoot I do. At the time I become flustered because it is rarity to find a picture where they are all looking forward. After all is said and done and I finally give up in acceptance of the fact with 5 that are 5 and under there probably isn't going to be the perfect picture. I scan them onto my computer and as I view the pictures it hits me. The chaos is beautiful. I have captured moments in my children's lives that reveal them being themselves and interacting with each other.

If all I ever captured was the perfect picture I would miss the intense fascination Ronan has towards which ever sibling he is sitting next to. I would miss out on the comfort Jadzia tries to bring to her sister to ease Inara's crying and I would miss Inara's wonderful array of facial expressions. I would not have noticed to what degree Landon goes to to make sure all his siblings are not in need of anything or the subtlety of Xander's comedic skills emerging. Who needs the perfect picture? I'll take the beautiful chaos.
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