The scene played out in my kitchen as two of my children appeared to be willing rain from the sky. Xander beat loudly on our bulk size peanut butter jar as Jadzia chanted and danced around him Native American style. My appearing in the kitchen and the sudden light from the flash caused them both to look up and then collapse into giggles. Jadzia put her hand to her mouth and squinted her nose obviously pleased at her own silliness. Xander ceased his giggles "Mommy, we thought since you let us make breakfast yesterday that we could make lunch today.

I pushed aside images of peanut butter and jelly smudged walls, cupboards, and counters. "Sure, let's give it a try." Xander jumped up and down and then lifted the giant peanut butter jar to the counter. Jadzia grabbed the jelly out of the fridge and they set to work. Jadzia placed tiny amounts of peanut butter that covered about a quarter size portion of her bread slice. After about the tenth swipe of peanut butter she began to realize that if she continued at her current rate she would have to skip lunch altogether and use this sandwich for dinner instead. With pleading eyes she looked up and said "Mommy, help me!" Not wanting to squash her hopes of making her first Peanut butter sandwich I put the butter knife in her hand and put her hand in mine. I helped her smooth over the peanut butter then the jelly.

Xander did a great job but had the opposite issue than Jadzia. Xander kept grabbing gobs of peanut butter and by the time his sandwich was complete he had an ooey gooey meld of peanut butter and jelly. He was quite satisfied so who was I to diminish his accomplishment. Two bites in he mumbled "I need milk now! My mowth is so stwicky!" As I poured his milk I laughed at his peanut butter impaired speech.

Landon who had been finishing up his math assignment came into the kitchen and decided he should be allowed to make his own sandwich as well. I set him up a little station. I'm not sure if he's made one before with one of his grandparents but that child made his sandwich with the ease of years of sandwich making experience. There was no mess and the peanut butter and jelly was spread fully and evenly over each slice of bread. I learned something new about my five year old, he can make a perfect PB&J.
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