Isaac was out with some friends last night and I was at home unsure of what to do. Since I was caught up with everything I decided I should watch the documentary
Food Inc. This film had been recommended to me by about four people in the last few weeks. I began watching and the more I got into the film the more horrifying everyday food products became. I won't go into details because some people don't want to know where there food comes from and are content with their food being a mystery. Some people believe that ignorance is bliss and I believe if you really want to know then you should watch
Food Inc yourself and do the research. Mainly because me telling you won't have as much impact as you taking the time to watch this for yourself. If you do not have access to Netflix to watch the film and still really want to know then feel free to message me for details.
The part that brought me to tears was when they gave a statistic. Researchers believe that 1 in 2 children born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime due to the way our foods are made and ingredients in the food. This film is an eye opener and now I find it vital to know the facts.

This morning I talked to Isaac "I watched Food Inc last night." He stopped and turned around instead of heading upstairs "I know I saw your Facebook status." I told him that I had found a store that sells local organic food and I wanted him to check it out with me. A bit reluctantly he agreed. I'm not sure if it was my pleading eyes or the fact he realized by the level of my enthusiasm that the subject would be brought up until he agreed to at least look with me. He agreed we'd go in the evening and at least see what all this store entailed.

Afternoon was all about Landon and his pants that were beginning to edge their way to his knees. My mom went along with us shopping and Landon now has all new clothes. I'm really not sure if my children are out of the ordinary but they get just as excited over new clothes as they would new toys. I also picked an outfit for each of the others so they wouldn't feel left out.

When we returned we headed over to the organic store. I really shouldn't have chosen maple syrup as the first item to look at. I about fell over at the $45 price tag. I was unsure if we would be able to afford anything in the store but after a bit more searching I realized maple syrup was the only item inflated to that degree. Isaac picked out things he thought he would like and found a healthy pizza and agreed to give it a try. We had an entire cart full of the weeks groceries as we checked out. As the clerk scanned our items Isaac talked about how he needs to watch
Food Inc now since we are spending so much on organic foods. The clerk jumped in and said "Yes, that movie is an eye opener everyone should watch it." Isaac laughed a little and fiddled with the magazines "I don't know I think I might watch it and then say let's go to Arbys."
I held my breath as the last item was scanned, awaiting the total. I was surprised it wasn't that bad at all, barely more than we usually spend. When we got home the kids were jumping up and down yelling "Let's eat healthy food!" The whole family is on board and 2 out of 3 of the big kids even liked the healthy candy bars we had for dessert.
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