Inara has begun a fascination with her toes. I never viewed this as a monumental milestone until I met Ronan's first PT. She told me that she had gone to a PT conference and an entire session was dedicated to babies learning to grab their toes. I'm not sure how unusual this is at a PT conference if they dedicate entire sessions to walking and crawling or if the are trying to raise awareness to baby toe grabbing. But this PT said that when a baby learns to grab their toes they move into a new area of development and if parents understood the magnitude of toe grabbing it would be celebrated right up there with crawling and walking . But it is usually bypassed with non-acknowledgment or a simple comment of my baby found their toes today.

Ronan has opened a beautiful world to me, one I could have never discovered without him. Ronan has shown me the beauty in small things that as a busy parent I used to overlook. I find joy in the tiny intricate details of life now, something I missed all too often before. So today I celebrate my baby daughter discovering she has toes and realizing she can reach them.

On a sad note our turtle Moya died today. She was our female sideneck. We have six other turtles though so we are not lacking in turtles. I will still miss the way she completely buried herself in sand and I would search the entire tank to make sure she hadn't escaped. She was anti- social though. She avoided all the other turtles and kept to her own sand pile. She will be missed.

Well tomorrow is Thanks giving and I need to go prep a few things and myself for the big event. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! May you all be blessed with abundance as my family and I have.
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