At 4:00 am this morning I was up trying to surmise how to remove a neck bone from inside our Thanksgiving duck. I have no idea how a duck neck got lodged in the wrong end. I have always been pampered when it comes to turkey making. Every time I've made a turkey everything that needed removed was neatly kept in a little plastic bag. Once the bag is removed the inside of your turkey is nice and clean and good to go. This was not the case with the duck. I chopped away at the duck neck and finally it broke loose. I was left with wondering which parts needed removed.

To my surprise my actual helper was Jadzia. I enjoyed this fact and I found myself stretching forth to future Thanksgivings hoping that someday mother and daughter would cook together. By 11:30 the duck was on the table along with mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, green beans, rolls and a few other traditional items. I had placed an orange to replace the duck neck because I was told it would soak up the grease. This left the duck with an orange taste which I have also been told some people like with duck. My personal team of reviewers and critics have requested no orange taste next time but other than that it was good. Isaac loved my mashed potatoes as usual. They are a recipe that I took from online and modified it with my own personal touch and my family loves them.

All and all I'd say the duck was not a disaster as I was predicting the most likely outcome. After lunch I got the house straightened and finished the mountainous pile of dishes that Thanksgiving always brings. For the evening we headed over to my brother and his family's house for ham and a lot more food. We'd been stuffed twice and neither time with turkey. My dad was a bit sad because he ate at both mine and my sister in-law's dinners and this is the first Thanksgiving he has not gotten turkey. Due to this disappointment we will be having a turkey dinner tomorrow. Three feasts this close together is a bit crazy but gotta keep the papa happy.
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