You know the whole metaphor about the blind leading the blind. I think I had that scenario play out in my kitchen tonight. Jadzia was leading Landon around the kitchen (mainly in circles) and the only catch was they both had their eyes tightly shut. I gave my quick mommy lecture about how unwise combining spinning and not seeing was. I found it amusing when after the fifth or sixth whack into the cabinet Landon very disgusted yelled from the kitchen. "Mommy, Jadzia keeps hitting us into the cabinet!" Solution # 1 perhaps you should open your eyes and let go of Jadzia's hand.

Legos. The one toy my kids couldn't live without. I'm pretty sure I could remove every toy in the play area and just leave the three totes of legos and my kids could still entertain them selves for hours. Also you'd think with three totes there would be plenty to pass around and my children would be willing to share the wealth. But the more I think about it I realize there are few children under the age of six who naturally love to share.

As a mother and especially as a mother of five little ones I stress sharing to a great degree. My kids will willing share a cookie with each other but they love to hoard legos. Piles and piles of legos. You'd think they could build just about anything with fifty big blocks each and this would bring them happiness but for some reason Xander seems to think he needs every lego in the house to build a decent battleship.
Which brings me to wondering how they are able to build some of the things they build. Without standing on the couch, a chair or any other height boosting apparatus my big boys built this tower.

Floor to ceiling lego tower and I'm not sure how they were able to keep the entire thing together. They've definitely gained their dad's engineering skills. I think I'd make it about half that many blocks and it would crumble to pieces.
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