The morning got off to a start with pumpkin bread making by choice of Xander. My little chef set right to work and wanted me to stay mainly hands off and only guide him verbally when he needed the help. He did a pretty good job and the bread turned out delicious. Someday Xander will be able to cook and bake many different types of foods and if stays as he is he'll love every minute of it. I still need to track down a chef's hat for Christmas.

For dinner we continued with the cooking spirit. It was as though we were practicing with a short sprint for the marathon of duck making that is going to be upon us on Thursday. Xander has already informed me that he would like to be present and assist all duck making activities. Landon on the other hand wants nothing to do with it. He is horrified that we killed a duck. I tried to explain we personally did not kill the duck and it's the same as when he eats chicken. He wasted no time and interrupted my speech with "But ducks are so much cuter than chickens! Mommy, please don't kill the duck!" I told him the duck had already died and then tears and a lot of hugging ensued.

He does not want to eat the duck. Normally I insist my children try new foods before writing them off but that is usually when the reason is merely because they don't like the look of the food and automatically assume they won't like it. I don't think I'm going to push Landon into eating the duck. He doesn't want to eat it because he's picturing the duck it used to be and that bothers him. He has a tender heart.

Back to dinner. We continued the cooking with organic homemade pizzas. The biggest surprise was the kids loved the pepperonis which were comprised completely of vegetables. The pizza was pretty good and the cheese was exceptional. I think this may become a regular occurrence.

Well I'm off to get the rest of the Thanksgiving groceries right after I do a little more research on what to serve along with duck.
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