In the days leading up to my birthday Landon became more and more excited until little droplets of a secret began to spill from his mouth. "Mommy, we're having a surprise party for you this year!" He stopped short of continuing and cupped his hand over his mouth, eyes wide with acknowledgment of his mistake. Nearly sorrowful He looked up at me with sunken eyes. "oops the surprise party was supposed to be a surprise. I got too excited." I assured him it was ok and he went back to building the lego tower he'd been working on.

About a week later he started again. "Mom, we're making cards for you party and.. oh umm.. nevermind. You are not having a party this year at all!" With that he stomped out of the room almost as though I had offended him. Moving forward to yesterday Jadzia came bouncing into the kitchen. "Mommy we buy you a cake!" Landon comes running over "Jadzia, we were going to buy mommy an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen but she's not supposed to know! You have a big mouth!" I continued washing the dishes with a slight smile on my lips.

Today all the kids were playing various games in the living room. Xander got up from the puzzle he was piecing together and tapped my knee "Mommy, tomorrow is your birthday." "What are you getting me. "I teased him a little and smiled. "I'm not allowed to tell you that part it's a secret." Jadzia piped up from where she was playing her alphabet game "Landon told mommy." Xanders mouth opened and his face showed of shock and near disgust. He went running over to Landon. "Did you tell mommy about her cake?!"

For some reason I had an inkling that something was taking place tonight. I figured if anything it would be tonight because Isaac had reserved my time for my actual birthday which is tomorrow. He isn't telling me anything just that he has plans. My suspicions for tonight were confirmed. My mom made dinner and her and my brother Josh picked up a cake. It was an icecream cake from Dairy Queen. Jadzia was a bit sad because the icing was not pink and she thought for sure that would make me terribly sad. I assured her I loved the purple Icing just as much to which she jumped up and down yelling "yea! yea!"

The dinner was delicious and the cake fabulous. Landon asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told him "I just want my babies around me." To which he giggled and said "But mom you already have us!" "I know exactly I have everything I want." drawings and hand made birthday cards were given to me throughout today with the promise for more tomorrow. My birthday hasn't even started yet and it's already been great. My children have confirmed what I already know. None of them can keep a secret from their Mama but that's ok I hope they always have an open, honest relationship with me.
mmmm that cake looks delicious i want one!!! :( Maybe in April if i'm lucky! lol Your kids are too cute that they spoiled your surprise party but sounds like you have another surprise in store for you tommorow! Happy early birthday!