Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Finger Love

Inara is four months old today and growing way too fast. Her personality has really started to emerge. She is happy, talkative and opinionated. She can pivot herself in a circle when she's on her belly, roll over and has really great head control. Two days ago she started a new habit. She figured out how to get her fingers in her mouth and they have been her best companion ever since.

There was this kid I used to know who sucked his thumb well past 13 and may still to this day suck his thumb. I've heard many more stories about this habit being very difficult to break. I've also been told by dentists it is bad for the teeth. With all of these things going through my mind I tried to decide which is a better route. The pacifier or the fingers. The pacifier can be taken away but as of yet she only likes it part of the time. Should I pursue the pacifier or just let her do her own thing with the fingers and have the possibility of not being able to break her from it, at least not easily.
I have five children and the previous four did not suck on a pacifier or their fingers. I find it ironic that on the fifth child there is still a new area of infancy for me to pioneer. Each child is different I've learned that well over the last few years.

Inara also had her four month check up today. She weighed 15lbs 8 ounces and was 24 and a half inches long. She is in the 50th percentile on all measurements. She also was on track developmentally and checked out in perfect health. Somehow no matter who we go in for we end up leaving with another appointment for Ronan. Dr. Shash is ordering a sleep study for him because his EEG came back normal. They'll be calling me with when that will take place.All the other kids are doing well. Landon is improving his reading and writing everyday and I'm going to start moving towards getting Xander reading as well. With Jadzia we've been focusing on increasing her vocabulary and pronunciation. Here is some of the pictures of my Inara on her four month photo shoot.


  1. I love all the pictures of Inara but also the one of Ronan, so cute! Glad everything went well today at her 4th month appointment, she is almost as big as my little peanut. Thats not surprising because everyone is bigger or as big as him that is the same age or younger! LOL I hope the sleep study for Ronan turns out normal! I dont know what to tell you about the fingers, but i think i'd prefer to push the paci over letting her suck her fingers. But its hard to get them away from it once they start because fingers they always have, where they might lose the paci in the middle of the night or when mom isn't around. Good luck!

  2. Thanks! I'm leaning towards paci if I can get her to agree with me lol. I agree with you the fingers are always there so I can only do so much to get her to switch.

    Tyler is tiny but Jadzia was too. She was only 16lbs at 20months. Some kids are just small. My cousin's girls are all very tiny and completely healthy.
