Sunday, October 10, 2010

Peace of Mind From Plastic.

The above picture is the only picture I took today. It is of the girls waiting to go to church and I happened to catch Inara mid grin. I always find it hard to come up with something to say on Sundays and I'm really not sure why. I'm wondering if I should start inserting random facts on Sundays to make this day a more interesting blog day. So here I go random Sunday Fact #1. I am in love with two very, small pieces of plastic. Why? Because these two small pieces of plastic have made my days much easier and may actually help my son stay on track with his hearing and vision. Ronan's audiologist had mentioned these back when he first got his hearing aides but had never given them to me. I had stored the information somewhere in the back of my mom brain. I had not recovered the information until last Wednesday when we were at the psychologist office.

During Ronan's review his hearing aides fell out for about the tenth time in twenty minutes. The psychologist looked sympathetic "How do you deal with that? Do they always fall out like that?" "Yes a good portion of our day is putting Ronan's hearing aides and glasses back in place. There are days after the twentieth try I give up." He nodded and said " I think there is something you can get to hold the hearing aides to the glasses and they stay in better." "Yeah, his audiologist mentioned something awhile back. I'll check into it."

After that conversation I believed it was worth a shot. I mean worse case it made things worse and then we just chuck the equipment and keep the endless torture session up until we arrive at a better solution. The next day I picked them up from audiology. The audiologist isn't in much so she told me they'd be on the front counter with his name on them. The pieces looked insignificant. Were two simple pieces of plastic really going to improve things? I was doubtful of the plastic as well as my abilty to figure out how to utilize the plastic because there was no instructions on how to put it all together. After a long process I finally computed how it was supposed to go and put everything on Ronan. Getting everything in place was difficult at first but I managed and then I waited. I noticed immediately the hearing aides sat better in his ear.

The big test came next. The moment Ronan decided he would rid himslef of his devices as he does many times a day. He pulled his glasses and guess what? Much to his dismay and mommy's delight they did not budge! I knew I had a silly grin on my face as though I had just discovered the fountain of youth. Twenty times minimal has now been dropped to maybe twice a day if that. The secret is they way he used to pull his hearing aides out was to pull them outward now when he does that his glasses keep them steady and the way he pulled the glasses off was to pull them down but the hearing aides don't fall out that way so it keeps the hearing aides in place. I think I may find the inventor of this and give them a big hug and thank you. I've finally found peace in the improving of Ronan's senses department.As you can tell from the above picture Ronan was not thrilled when he discovered he could not pull them off but he's adjusted. The significance of them today was this was the first day I could take him to church with them. Something I had never done because I didn't want the nursery workers having to worry about them. Below you can see even though the back piece came forward the mold is still well placed in his ear. This really is wonderful!

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