Saturday, October 9, 2010

Potted Plants

We started the day off with pumpkin cookies. Technically pumpkin is a vegetable, right? Either way the kids enjoyed a sweet breakfast and I enjoyed them as a sign Fall had soothed itself in from the summer heat. We all snuggled up in various parts of the living room and watched UP. This is the same movie I had intended to see in the theaters but Ronan had had other plans and I barely made it through the previews due to labor pains.My niece and nephew were still over and we had another craft project to complete before they left. The art project correlated with Landon's science project in that we were painting the pots that the beans would grow in. I painted all of their names on each pot so they wouldn't be mixed up. They all just painted them various colors and I didn't want any fighting over whose was whose. I fixed a quick lunch for all of them and then one by one I had each of them plant their bean seeds. I also had Landon put some of the bean seeds in a Ziploc bag with a wet paper towel so he could actually see all the components of a growing plant.

By dinner time my brother had arrived to pick up his kids and I was getting ready for my weekly date night with Isaac. We even left Inara behind tonight. I was a little worried she'd scream all night but I fed her before we left and we were only gone a little over three hours so she was fine until I got back. I enjoyed just having time out with Isaac with no babies in tow. It's nice having all his attention and for us to be able to focus on each others' concerns and just to talk about the everyday things.

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