Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paper Owls

Today was a typical Saturday. I still had clothes to sort to sell so I did that for the majority of the morning. The afternoon I spent making sure everything was completed for the week for my college assignments. The majority was math homework which I'm severely rusty at.

My child observation experiment is due the beginning of this coming week so I needed to hurry up and do the actual child observation part. I ended up picking Jadzia since I thought her age would give me a variety of different out comes with the experiments. She did really well on the egocentric experiment which states a young child does not understand another person's perspective and can only understand their own. I showed her different flash cards with different pictures on each side. I would show each side for instance a dog on one side and a cat on the other. I would face the cat towards myself and the dog towards Jadzia then I would ask her what picture I was looking at and she would say cat. After several more flashcards she showed she does understand other people's perspectives.

We also put in a phone call to Grandma who asked her a series of yes or no questions to see if she would give a verbal response or just nod her head. She did both so I guess that shows she does understand her Grandma can't see her and maybe the nod is habit? Not sure I'm glad I also did the flashcards because the phone call seemed sort of inconclusive. There were several other activities we did and I enjoyed seeing how she responded.

After I was done observing Jadzia the kids were excited about owls after seeing the owl movie last night. To further the theme we made paper owl puppets using a paper cup for the body. They turned out really cute.

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