Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog 100

Today is post 100!! I've been keeping up with this blog for 100 days in a row. I can't believe that I made it this far and this blog didn't crumble a long time ago. I know I'm getting ahead of myself and neglecting the fact I still have 265 days to go but it's a glass half full kind of thing.
So what did we do today on the 100th blog day? There was church, the kids had their patch club. I did a little shopping which was fun. Isaac and I enjoyed a visit with a friend. If you could please say a prayer for my friend. She is 24 weeks pregnant and in the hospital with complications. Pray God will bring her encouragement and help her and her family through this time.
Xander played laundry basket ship wreck and Landon had issues with his new haircut. He kept asking me why his hair had to be this way. Then when he went to church he ducked his head under the table so no one would see his hair. I'm not sure why he's thinking this way because he's had this haircut before and he was the one who asked for his hair to be cut. He wanted it short like his dad's. I guess he felt remorse after seeing it in the mirror but the great thing about hair is it grows back; most of the time anyway. Ronan did go from sitting to standing without holding onto anything. I think walking is just around the corner for him.Blog 100 is turning out pretty short but I'm really having to stretch my thought process tonight. Goodnight all.

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