Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Binder Baby

The air was bitter and snow lightly falling as I woke up this morning. I figured I should get to packing Landon up because in a last minute decision he was headed up to his grandparents'. He's going to be there almost two weeks. I was a little apprehensive to have him delay school for that long of a period but his grandma was nice enough to have me send his workbooks up with him. She's going to work on his school while he is up there. Grandma Fullmer arrived and I still didn't have him packed. I had expected her a little later but snow was coming and she wanted to get them started on the hour and a half drive back to her house. I scrambled to get his stuff together and then Landon and Grandma took off. Ronan's 18 month check-up was on the afternoon agenda.

As we headed out I was unsure if we should proceed because the air bit at us as I ran him to the car. When we arrived at the doctor's I parked as close as I could to the door. I actually found a spot next to the door that wasn't handicapped which is saying a lot since the parking lot can probably fit 100 plus cars. I made sure Ronan's hood was up and I buried his face towards me and ran. We checked in at the front desk and the receptionist began looking for Ronan's chart. "Whose he seeing?" She asked confused skimming over all the waiting files. I was about to tell her he was the binder when the other receptionist jumped in "He's the binder. We call him our Binder Baby. We love Ronan here. He's such a sweetie." Wow I thought we'd been there so much that he'd been given the nickname "Binder Baby."We sat down only to be called back almost immediately. He weighs exactly 23lbs and is 30 in. long. The doctor came in and began talking about everything Ronan would need tested for at 18 months. She wanted to test his thyroid again just to be sure. She also said he would get three shots. She went over in detail how he was doing in all areas. She decided to double his reflux medicine and spread it to twice a day in hopes it would stop the episodes he has where his airway gets blocked.

The lab technician came in next and tried to stick a vein in his arm. She poked around quite a bit in his arm but he just looked at himself in the mirror and happily clapped his feet together. He acted as though she was simply rubbing his arm, unaware that she was extensively poking around under his skin. She couldn't get the vein so she poked his finger which he was ok with until he thought she was holding his hand for too long. When he realized he couldn't have his hand to reach his toes he yelled angry, incoherent words at the technician.

The nurse came in and gave him three shots and told me she would call with the blood work results. We headed home and I dropped off his new reflux prescription. I got home and the doctor's office called. I assumed it was about his blood work since they said it would be later today or early tomorrow. Instead it was the nurse calling to tell me that they had made a mistake and Ronan had received double shots. At first I felt panicked but she explained it wouldn't hurt him in any way and they were just making me aware.

She said the mix-up had occurred because we had had to take him to the health department for his 15 month shots. The fridge at his pediatrician office had been broken and they sent us to the health department. At the time I had asked if I needed to take anything to his doctor and they told me no because they would take care of it and it would be put into the statewide database. Apparently the communication between the peds office and the health department had been poor. The health department was supposed to send documentation and they didn't. Also no one had checked the computer until afterward which is when they caught the mistake.But Ronan will not be harmed which was my biggest concern.

After I got off the phone with his pediatrician the phone rang almost immediately. This time it was the sleep study doctor. I thought it was strange because with Jadzia we didn't hear anything for a month and they never called they just waited until our appointment. The doctor wanted to let me know that she had just received his sleep results an hour ago (Because they send them off to be analyzed). She wanted me to know that his apnea was moderate to severe and I needed to make him an ENT appointment immediately. She said he needs his tonsils and adenoids out ASAP. Also she said she has more to address and wants to see him first thing Monday but she wanted an ENT appointment in the works now.

Now I get to wait until Monday to find out the rest but she said it wasn't very encouraging results. I've got to call his pediatrician in the morning to make sure that the insurance referral is all set for him to go to the ENT. Now I'm waiting for Isaac to get home. The last two days he's been putting a massive stage together for the county Christmas program. He worked 14 hours yesterday and looks like it's going to be that or longer today. I had no idea it took this long to put a stage together but I guess that shows how much I know about building. After he gets home I have to run and pick up Ronan's monthly medications and then it's grocery shopping.Also Inara is learning to sit pretty well by herself. She can sit unassisted for about 45 seconds and then she slumps forward a little.


  1. You are being an A.W.E.S.O.M.E MOM!!!! And Ronan is adorable! God Bless you with wisdom and strength!
