Thursday, November 18, 2010

Calendar Babies

My husband is home and all is right with the world, well at least my world. He made it home about 5:00 this evening. This morning Ronan's OT and nurse came over to evaluate how his eating skills are going. Ronan has made great strides with eating and it no longer takes me three hours to feed him everyday. His OT was impressed with how far he's come from when she saw him eat just a month ago. His nurse also evaluated his health and thought he was doing well. She thinks that the blue episodes probably are seizures and she said an EEG won't pick them up unless there is seizure activity in close enough proximity to the EEG being done. Hopefully his sleep study on Sunday night will give us an idea of how he is really doing.

For supper my brother and his family came over. We're working on a calendar for my mom's parents. The calendar will feature pictures of all seven of my parent's grand kids. Obviously I have many pictures of my own children but it's been awhile since I've taken any of my niece and nephew so we did a photo shoot.

I posted a blog about how photo shoots with five little ones can present a challenge. Tonight I had seven to work with. We had a few tears but also caught a few smiles. I'm pretty sure there is not one picture of all seven where they are looking squarely at the camera but I'm about to review them so we'll take a look. Ok I think this is the best we got.I guess they didn't turn out half bad and honestly better than I thought we'd gotten with seven little wiggle worms. I also took some individuals of all of them and we're planning one more photo shoot for when we can be outside and also more casual clothes.After the photo shoot we put forth a good effort to put a gingerbread house together. As it started to topple the kids added the finishing touches. I snapped some quick pictures as all the sides fell in opposite directions. No concern was given for the crumbled sugary mess as the kids dug right in.


  1. very cute pictures! I should do a gingerbread house with Kelsee, she would probably eat way more then build though! LOL

  2. Thank you! We've done a gingerbread house three years in a row now. It's one of the kid's favorite holiday things. We usually build it closer to Christmas but we need to get the calendar done and sent before Christmas and I wanted Gingerbread pictures included.
