I left off last night when I was about ready to leave for Ronan's sleep study. We arrived promptly at 7:30. Isaac drove us and he carried Ronan while I carried in our three bags. One with Ronan's things, one with my clothes and book and the third contained my dinner that in all the rush I'd forgotten to eat before hand. The same nurse that did Jadzia's study greeted us at the door and took us back. She smiled at Ronan, "You're even cuter than your picture."

Isaac left and the nurse prepared all the equipment. I was bracing myself Jadzia had screamed and fought through all the wire placements. At the time the nurse had assured me most kids get very upset. Ronan sat calmly as she scrubbed his head and placed wires. He got a little annoyed when she would place one on his face and began signing "All done".

The nurse said she would wait until he was asleep to put the nose piece in because he probably wouldn't tolerate it while he was awake. Ronan stayed awake for the next couple of hours before he nodded off. When he was finally asleep the nurse came in put the nose piece in and taped it really well. Ronan was out cold and didn't move at all during placement. A short time later she came back in saying that the reading for his carbon monoxide was really high and she wanted to be sure it wasn't her bad placement which meant removal and replacing the nose piece. He slept through that as well. I asked her what the high carbon monoxide level meant and she said it meant he wasn't letting his breaths out well enough.
At one point Ronan woke up and managed to undue most of his wires. The nurse came in to start over. After she was done Ronan was wide awake. We decide it would be best for him to sleep next to me. It worked, he cuddled right up and fell back asleep. He slept the rest of the night content to have mommy close. The nurse came in every so often to fix a tube or wire.
They woke us up at 8:30 and we headed home. Ronan had therapy at 10:00 so we made it home in enough time to wash the sleep study gunk out of his hair and feed him breakfast. Ronan's therapist brought him a new chair so he could practice moving from the chair to the couch. She left it here so I could work with him a lot before her next visit.

In other news Xander has a girlfriend. At least that's how he sees it. About a year ago he thought a little girl named Hannah was his girlfriend and he had told me that he loved her long blonde hair. Yesterday at my parent's church he claims he fell in love with a five year old girl. He followed her around and told everyone who would listen that she was his girlfriend. Today he was talking about her and how we wanted to call her and tell her he was her boyfriend. His dad told him that the girl was too old for him since she was five and Xander was only four. Xander said "But I do love her." He also added that he loved all ladies. What do I do with a little ladies man when he is only four? I'm headed for trouble I guess.
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