Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Walking Practice

Isaac was expected home today but something went wrong with one of the parts the mechanics were working on. This means he will probably be gone another day or two. I'm really hoping they'll have it fixed tomorrow because if it goes passed Friday then he won't come home until Monday.

This morning I stopped by the church to claim my prize. Are you ready for it.... We won a stuffed dog with ear muffs. He's very cute and this makes him well loved by all the kids and disputes have arose out of who he actually belongs to. This brought a good lesson on selflessness and sharing. Landon really wanted to have the puppy for nap time today but after Xander said how much he wanted it Landon relented and let Xander have the puppy. My oldest has a tender heart and often gives to his siblings. I've even caught him lying for his brother and sister before so they wouldn't be in trouble and he took their blame. We had to have a talk about lying but it touched my heart to see how protective and loving he is towards his brothers and sisters.A big thing around our house lately has been trying to get Ronan to take his first steps. He can pull to stand and cruise but is a little intimidated to actually step out and walk on his own.
"Haha Mommy I figured out how to remove them. No piece of plastic will stand in my way." Yes, he was very pleased with himself here. He ended up pulling the hearing aide mold off and I took them off to fix them. As I was fixing them I look over and Xander was attempting to help Ronan walk across the room. I began taking pictures and caught some very precious moments between brothers.
Xander really loves his baby brother and from those pictures you'd never know that Xander asked me if he could sell Ronan on Craigslist yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. OMG that is hilarious that he wants to sell him on craigslist! Those pictures are so sweet, im glad they love each other so much! Great pictures, love the bear its cute too!
