The happenings and mishaps of the Fullmer Family and the blessings we discover along the way. 365 posts in 365 days.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Baby Hat Model
Yesterday I picked up some hats for the girls. I've been needing more wall pictures of Inara and decided to use the hats as an accessory for her wall photos. I used to take the kids for professional photo shoots at newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 month, 18 months and then every year after that. But one day I just decided to start taking them myself. The majority of pictures of the kids hanging on our walls are photos that I have taken and turned into 8x10s and 5x7s. They may not be the best quality because my camera isn't fancy and I've had no photography training but I enjoy taking them. Here are some of the ones I took of Inara in her hats and dresses. Here's the pink hat and you may have noticed it is Jadzia's hat. Inara is already borrowing her sister's things. Here's her brown hat with the blue flower. Here's her brown hat with the green flower. And here's her red hat.After Inara was done being a baby hat model I spent the rest of the morning getting caught up on house work. I'm trying to get everything caught up for Monday so I can just stay with Ronan in the hospital minus the time I have to go to class. Tonight Isaac and I had a date. My mom watched the kids and we went out to dinner and a movie. We had missed the early showing so between dinner and the movie we went and looked around Best Buy. We ran into some friends from college that we've recently become reacquainted with. We still had about an hour to kill so we browsed lap tops. I'm wanting to get a new one. My old one died awhile back and I miss having one for times when Ronan is in the hospital. We made it to the movie a little early and just talked and waited. When the movie ended we had to make a stop at Wal-Mart which turned into a debate over buying new laundry hampers. I thought the old ones were suitable and Isaac thought we needed new ones since we've had the other ones for years and they are wearing out. All and all I appreciate him looking out for our household needs. I'm grateful I have a husband who thinks about buying me new laundry hampers. In the end we left without the hampers but I have a feeling I may be surprised with them sometime soon.
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