Last night was a very bad breathing night for Ronan. I hate going to the emergency room especially in the middle of the night so if I can avoid it I do. I try to treat him myself since I have most of the tools they use there here at home. Having been to the ER so much last year I've asked his pulmonologist to equip me with the basic tools that the ER would use so we could avoid trips. I have a pulse-Ox to monitor his levels, I have two different types of breathing treatments, I have steroids and now we have the c-pap. I try all the little tricks the ER does first and usually he bounces back.

Last night he was struggling and I was pretty close to taking him in but he stabilized and we were able to stay home. I finally got him to bed around 4:00 am and I was pretty tired when it was time to get up at 7:30. As soon as I woke up I realized my throat felt sore and my head was pounding and I felt dizzy. I could hear Ronan coughing and I knew we'd have to call in sick for Ronan's therapy visit. With both babies still sleeping soundly I drifted back to sleep. I had officially called today a sick day.

I was awoken again by the sound of the phone. It was the doctor's office with Xander's lab results. Warning if you don't like to hear about poop skip to the next paragraph otherwise read on. Xander's stool sample had grown Staph. His doctor was immediately putting him on a high does antibiotic for him to drink and also a cream for his bottom and nose. The bottom made sense but I didn't understand the nose part. Finally after doing some research I discovered that the correlation is that usually when you have intestinal staph that you have it in your nose as well. The pharmacist later confirmed this when Isaac went to pick up the medication.

I got up at this point and fed and changed the babies. We played a little bit and they both went to sleep for morning naps. Instead of doing the usual house cleaning I took another nap. The phone rang again and this time it was Ronan's Endocrinologist letting me know his medication was at the right dosage and they would see him in two months. I got up and fed the babies lunch. I worked on Ronan's walking and tried to get Inara to crawl to me. A short time later I heard my in-laws pull into the drive way signifying my babies were back.

I went out to greet them and got big hugs from all of them. I was glad to have them back. Grandma had been gracious enough to feed them lunch before bringing them back. I heard about all their adventures and after they got settled in a little it was their nap time. The babies were out again and guess what mommy took another nap. By the time I was waking up I felt a lot better and I realize that sleeping helped me kick the cold and I'm doing a lot better now.

The mail arrived and the books from the kid's book club had arrived. This time Landon got a pirate book, Xander a dinosaur book and Jadzia got this fairy book and play set. The play set had wings and hair ties for her to put on and a magic wand. Jadzia played the rest of the evening spreading magic through out the house.

I made a quick dinner and then I was out the door to Biology class. I really like this teacher. He knows how to get to the point, make everything understandable and also teaches in a way that makes the entire experience fun. I think because of his teaching method I'm going to do even better than I otherwise would have. Also the last three times we've been done with class an hour early which is great because I've been able to make it home in time to tuck the kids in.

Ronan is pretty wheezy tonight so hopefully we can avoid the ER again tonight. He has his pre-surgery check tomorrow so I'm not sure if he'll be cleared for surgery Monday. I hope he gets better because my mom took two days off work to help me out. I don't like leaving him at the hospital. Now that he's older it'll be more scary to be alone. For this reason my mom is going to sit with him Monday night while I have Speech class. But what's most important is making sure Ronan is ok to have surgery and avoid complications. I guess I'm just praying for a quick recovery from this bronchitis.
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