I got new clothes! All because I'm going back to school. You may be wondering why I would need new clothes to do school online. No, I didn't suddenly realize how unfashionable it was to learn Anthropology in my pajamas. I'm going to be attending evening classes three nights a week. Thanks to my awesome, wonderful husband who has graciously offered to get the kids in bed the three nights I'm away.
The reason I'm going to actual classes this semester is because there are three classes I need to complete my associates that I can't get online. I will be taking Speech on Monday and Biology on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm really excited to get back in the classroom.
In light of all of this my husband took me shopping for new clothes. I always force him to go with me to buy myself new clothes. The man can dress me better than I can myself. I learned this in our first year of marriage. Isaac picked out a couple of outfits for me and everywhere I went I had endless compliments about my outfit. It never failed when he chose the clothes people loved them. What he does is go through the entire store finding shirts to go with certain pants/skirts and then once I try them on he decides if it's a good choice. I still make the final call but his critique is usually right on. After clothes shopping we caught a late lunch and debated the secrets of the Universe (literally).

I've been trying to get the kids to work on sitting still and to help with this we tried a new game. I had them lay their hands out face down on the table then I took pennies and placed one on each hand. Whoever could keep their pennies on the longest won the game and got to keep the pennies. The kids were more than thrilled with this concept.

Xander and Jadzia both lost the pennies on their left hands. After ten minutes Xander lost his second penny. This left Jadzia with one and Landon still with both of his. Xander helped Landon out by scratching some head itches.

The above went on for thirty minutes (except the head scratching part). Jadzia and Landon both sat still for thirty minutes. Both refused to let the other win and would not give up. The game came to an abrupt halt when Xander being Xander put a headband on Landon's head. Landon wanted to get the headband off but since he couldn't move his hands he shook his head around and smacked his chin into the table causing him to bite his lip. Landon cried but still held his hands still. I called game over and told him he could still keep both pennies. I gave him a hug and then got him a cold wash rag to hold on his lip. He was still pretty proud of those pennies and they are going to go in his piggy bank for safe keeping.

Xander hasn't quite gotten clothes selecting down like his dad. I usually let my kids pick out their own clothes. As long as we are not going out and they are fully clothed I let them choose what they want to wear. If we are going out and I don't have outfits picked for certain reasons I still let them pick but I may modify the outfit so it is weather appropriate and so that every passerby doesn't assume monkeys dress my children every morning. Below is the result that sometimes arises out of this allowance of independence and creativity.

And this is usually what Jadzia ends up in, either the Princess dress below or a tu tu.

And here's Mr. Ro letting me know he wants up from his nap.

Finally the ever so cute and happy Inara.
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