36 gallons of water is a lethal dose of h2O. Not because your stomach would explode but because at a cellular level it will break your cells apart. This completely random tidbit is the prominent detail I took away from Biology class tonight. Biology class only lasted one of the three scheduled hours.

Ronan is doing well and was released from the hospital around 10:30 this morning. He was awake at about 5:30 this morning but instead of me having to get up with him the nurse took him. She gave him a bath, gave him some milk and read him some stories. They let him keep one of the books they read to him.

After his bath I noticed Ronan's hair was starting to getting long and his cowlick kept sticking up pretty high. I decided we would get Ronan his first professional haircut in hopes his hair would grow out more evenly. While the other kids were down for a nap Ronan got to take a trip to the mall. He seemed a little scared at first and didn't like the water bottle squirting the back of his head. He calmed down and then he sat pretty still through the haircut and would just bury his face in my shoulder. The haircut turned out very cute and he looks like a little man.

When we arrived home from the haircut I tried to put Ronan's hearing aides on him for the first time since his surgery and he let out a scream and grabbed his ears. I'm sure his ear canals are sore from having the ear tubes put in but I think some might have to do with sounds being clearer again. I'm not sure how long it's been since his old ones fell out and his fluid began to build up again. I think that hearing that clearly again scared him just as the first time he'd put on hearing aides had left him terrified. I'm going to slowly work back to him wearing them.

Inara is on the move. She lunges everywhere and is getting pretty fast at it. I think I can officially say she's a mobile baby and I think within the next couple of weeks she'll be crawling off belly. She is very close now. She moves her legs forward but doesn't quite have hand placement and movement down.
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