Tomorrow starts a busy week and the adjustment of me taking classes at night. Ronan is starting to get sick again so I'm probably going to have to cancel his home PT. I still have to take him out to get his mask fitted. Especially since he's getting sick he needs the mask.
The bad thing is there is supposed to be a nasty storm on its way. It's times like this I think about moving somewhere warmer. I would love to be able to take the kids outside year around and also not have to worry about weather interfering with appointments. In fact I just now looked at the weather forcast and it shows 100% chance of precipitation and the hour by hour shows snow from 6:00 am until 9:00 pm tomorrow.

Jadzia had a big accomplishment today. She got herself dressed all by herself. In the past she always wanted at least some assistance. The ability was there but her confidence was lacking. Today I told her she had to at least give it a good try. At first she almost started to cry but after my reassurance she gave it ago. She was pleased with herself and did her usual ballerina happy dance. I knew she could dress herself this entire time my only obstacle had been getting her to realize it.

Ronan has consistently been signing "Daddy" when he sees Isaac. Finally today we got a picture of him signing to his Dad. The sign is actually supposed to be in the middle of his head but Ronan makes the sign on the side of his head. The sign is right though and he uses it when he sees Isaac.

"Aren't I cute? Get me out of this thing!"

Well I'm off to bed since I have a 5:00 am start in the morning. Hopefully I'll be able to get my plans done safely without snow getting in the way. The severe weather warning box that keeps popping up from weather app is not giving me much confidence.

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