Ronan has taught me character traits as have my other children. Ronan has taught me to pick myself back up when I feel defeated. He's taught me that things don't need rushed and my timing isn't always the best timing. Back when there was that tiny baby in his incubator inside the NICU I was so unsure of myself, so unsure I would be an adequate mother. Sometimes I wish I could go back and let myself know where we'd be a year and half down the road. Things would have been a whole lot less scary.

I realize though if I could do that I would have missed out on the journey I desperately needed to take. I needed to accept God's timing and not my own. Many tears, hopes and dreams have been set in my heart for a single milestone. The milestone of my baby boy taking his first steps and today he did just that.

As he lifted his tiny feet and moved them forward I felt tears swell in my eyes. He made it five steps with a beaming smile on his face. He knew his accomplishment. He held out both his arms and I embraced him and twirled him around the room. He grabbed my face and planted several kisses and then looked up at me as if to say "Are you proud of me, mom?". This moment was huge.

He's been taking more steps all day. Sometimes he falls down but he always gets back up. One step at a time, little by little he makes it to me or a piece of furniture. I know someday soon he'll be running everywhere and I hope I never forget how valuable those first steps were, how hard Ronan worked to get here and what he taught me through all of this. I hope I never forget the lessons God has taught me through a little 23lb, blue eyed, baby boy.

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