For the last three days we have had the same man from a local cable company showing up on our doorstep asking if we wanted to switch providers. He always shows up at the same time (when I'm trying to make dinner). The first time I was polite and simply told him we weren't interested. He then inquired about how much we pay our current television provider. I told him I wasn't going to disclose that information to him. Immediately in a very monotone, reading a script type voice he said " It looks at that price I can indeed save you money if you switch to our provider."

I lowered my eye brows wondering if he'd heard a word I said and then I said "I didn't tell you what we pay so you have no idea if you can save us money. We're not interested." I shut the door. The very next day he returned with the same spill. I simply told him I still felt the same way as yesterday and we did not want to switch television providers. Sure enough we get to today. I have something cooking on the stove and I hear the door bell. Surely it's not that cable guy?

I answer the door but left the screen shut. "I told you we aren't interested. Please don't come back again." I shut the door and turned around to resume cooking. Ding Dong. Seriously? I peek out the window and he's still standing there expecting me to open the door again. So what do I do when someone won't leave me alone? I stick my husband on them. Trust me you don't want this to happen to you. I went upstairs and explained to Isaac what was going on.

He opened the door and the guy was still standing there expectantly. Isaac went outside and shut the front door behind him. They were out there for about five minutes and I was getting very curious. Isaac came back into the kitchen where I was trying to complete supper.
"The guy said that someone at this address owed them $200 six years ago. " I stirred my soup as I said "All he ever said was that he wanted us to switch to his Cable company." "Yeah, I told him we didn't even live here that long ago and that we've never even had his company as a provider. I'm going to go buy a no solicitation sign."
I got to thinking about the whole thing later. If the guy was truly trying to collect a debt why would he put up the ruse of trying to get me to switch providers. The entire thing seems very strange and I've decided if he diligently returns tomorrow that that cable company is going to get a call from me.

In the world of the kids, Ronan has been signing "All Done" all day. His OT was here today and he would play for a little while and then sign "All Done". I haven't decided if he was just in a non compliant mood or if the newness of the sign has brought fun to being done with everything. He did a lot better at pulling things out of containers but he still doesn't want to let go of anything. He is pretty possessive of things he attaches himself to. Some of you may remember the comb?

Inara is getting closer to crawling if she could just get past the frustration of only going backwards. She gets pretty mad when she gets stuck under the couch when all she wanted was to reach the toy that used to be two inches in front of her.

Grandma and Grandpa wanting to get Ronan to show off his new walking skills.

I did it!
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