Ronan loves to ride on his lion push toy that doubles as a ride on toy. He very cutely scoots himself around and he does funny things with his feet while riding. I thought this would be a cute picture but I didn't feel like changing his push toy to the ride on mode. Since Inara's hippopotamus was already in ride on mode I thought I'd demonstrate how cute his feet placement is. I set him on and he seemed fine then he looked down at the hippos face. As I snapped a picture he let out a huge scream. He launched forward and I grabbed him. He clung to me. There's the awful photo. Half his head is cut off because I was starting to notice the error of my ways and grab him.

He will not look at the hippo now. If he sees its back side he's fine but as soon as he glimpses its face he has a meltdown. Now the debate becomes do we lock the hippo away until Ronan's hippopotamus phobia subsides or do we just keep a blanket over its face.

I got some me time today. The first time I went out I went alone. I had to pick up medicine for Ronan and while I was waiting for Ronan's meds I went to Toys R US. They had Jadzia's ballerina Lalaloopsy doll that I'd been searching for everywhere. She has a love for ballerinas and pink. They had the doll on sale and it was the last one so I grabbed it. This kind of made up for her not being included in the father/sons trip the other day.

I made a second trip out but this time I took both girls with me. I needed to fit them for special hand knit hats. I let Jadzia choose her hat and she chose pink with a pink flower. No surprise there. I don't have any pictures of Inara in her hats yet. We need some wall photos of her so we're doing a photo shoot tomorrow and her hats will be part of it.

Now I need to spend some time with Isaac we're going to relax, stay in and watch a movie. Today has been a pretty good day minus the hippo terror.
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