My mom's birthday is on Monday but we decided to celebrate this evening. My dad needed a ride to get my mom a birthday present so I took him to Wal-Mart. Before the Wal-Mart stop I decided to use the Build a Bear coupon I'd gotten from being part of their club. They have been sending me a lot of free things lately and the current coupon was for a little stuffed love bug. I use the name "Love Bug" for Inara a lot and I decided I would get the love bug for her.

Jadzia had won a contest we had going between the kids so her reward was she got to go with us and be the one to pick out Grandma's cake. Jadzia loved the love bug but I reminded her from the beginning and throughout the entire trip that she was making the love bug for Inara. Jadzia has an unbelievable amount of stuffed animals so she definitely didn't need another one. Also I thought this was a good lesson on giving to others. She told the clerk "I'm making this for my baby sister, Inara. I love her and I want her to be happy." Jadzia named the bug "Princess Lady Bug".

Jadzia did get a heart antenna headband that they were giving out to everyone who got the love bug. While at Wal-Mart Jadzia selected the cake and for some reason she chose a blue cake and not the expected pink. The cake looked like a sort of flower or perhaps a water puddle and it matched the pillow my dad picked up for my mom. Jadzia picked out smaller treats for the boys. The boys still did a good job in the contest so I thought they deserved something as well.

When I got back I had another message from a technician at the place Ronan got his CPAP. I was supposed to be receiving a call from the doctor and had been trying to get a hold of her for the last week and my phone calls weren't being returned. A long story unfolded so I'll try to sum it all up.

Basically the receptionist had been giving my messages to the technicians and not the doctor even though I had specified this was a doctor matter. She still refused to give my message to the doctor and said she would note my concern on the note and give it to the therapist. The reason I needed to talk to the doctor was because Ronan was no longer wanting to wear his CPAP and the doctor was the only one that could change up equipment. The technician couldn't do anything. But even after explaining this the receptionist wouldn't let me speak with the doctor. I knew the matter needed resolved and I was getting pretty frustrated so I drove down there.

When I arrived the receptionist wasn't going to let me see the doctor but I told her I needed to talk to the doctor today or I was going to find Ronan a new doctor. Ten minutes later his doctor was out to talk to us. She confirmed that she had not been given any of my messages and she assumed since she'd not heard from me that everything was going fine. She gave me her direct number, apologized and promised to get to the bottom of why none of my messages over the last week had reached her. She decided she's going to change Ronan's mask to a full face mask (more like his nebulizer) instead of the tiny nose mask.

She said most likely his sinus infection a few weeks back had left his nose area sensitive to the pressure of the nose mask. Unfortunately since it was late in the day I can't get the mask until Monday because the place is closed which means I'll just have to keep his monitor on him and watch him close until then.

By the time I was done being Mama bear and ensuring my son was going to be taken care of it was time for my mom's party. Everyone came over to our house. My mom loved her cake but I soon realized I'd forgotten to pick up candles so I made my mom pretend there was a candle on top. Ronan even enjoyed a cupcake without a single choking incident. This brought back memories of his first birthday.

Jadzia was very proud to have been the one to pick out Grandma's cake and was even more happy to discover that blue is Grandma's favorite color.

This next picture I'm not sure whether to title this "The Three musketeers" or the "Three Stooges". I'm thinking either would work.

The picture below I title "We are seriously cool."
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