Previous blog posts that would be relevant to today's blog are
here and
here. A few months back I talked about my sock bag and how I was going to rid my life of the misfit sock bag. I even went to the length of allowing the kid's to make sock puppets. The removal of the misfit, lonely socks never occurred and the socks were only transferred to a bigger bag. The main reason it is still around is because I keep forgetting to do the final check to make sure I'm not over looking any matches.

If you know much about Ronan you know he absolutely loves socks and that he loves to pick through my laundry until he finds all the socks and plays with each one. Ronan found a mini paradise this morning. He discovered the lonely sock bag. The last time I saw him he had been playing with the truck he'd gotten for Christmas. He was moving the truck back and forth and spinning the cement barrel. I went to grab him a new shirt when I hear him erupt into laughter. He sounded further away than he should have been so I quickly grabbed him clothes and followed his laughter into the bathroom. There he was with his head inside the sock bag and socks were flying everywhere.

He found his new lovie. He goes to sleep quicker and sleeps better if he has a sock present in his bed with him. He found a blue cars sock that seems to be his new favorite and he carried it around with him. I think I'll put him to bed with that sock tonight.

I got an update from Grandma on Jadzia. Jadzia continued to cough most of the night and was still coughing this morning. She is still playing ok and otherwise acting like herself. Ronan's eyes and nose have been awful today and have required constant cleaning. After he woke up from his nap his eye was sealed completely shut. Daddy came to Ronan's rescue and was able to clean his eye so Ronan could open it again.

Tomorrow we have a busy day planned and it's probably a good thing the older kids are going to be at Grandma's. Ronan has three appointments back to back. We're going back to the sleep center which I'm leery about dealing with the receptionist since the whole incident a couple weeks back. After that we have to make it to the Endocrinologist to test Ronan's thyroid level and see if his medication dose needs adjusted. The final appointment will be to get Ronan a Speech evaluation to determine if they recommend him having a Speech therapist. I'm looking forward to this session because I really would like to be able to communicate with Ronan more.

Inara has done well today and has enjoyed the extra attention she's getting from mommy. She's definitely my girl. She would be perfectly content to sit on my lap for the entire day then snuggle the entire night.

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