Inara is seven months old today! I feel this month transfers her from the side of being a small baby to being a big baby. She holds weight on her legs well now and she sits like a pro. When sitting she no longer has to scream to indicate when she wants back on her tummy because now she very smoothly goes from sitting to laying. Personality wise she is an even bigger Mama's girl than ever. If she doesn't know you and you pick her up she will study your face for about five seconds then she will form a look of horror and scream as though you had just pinched her.

She's fine with strangers as long as they keep their distance from her. With people she knows she is fine if they hold her but if I say something or she sees me she gets very dramatic and real tears fall. As soon as I take her from the person she ceases all hysterics. The only person she is ok with holding her while I'm present is her Daddy. She has a fascination with Isaac's beard and loves to run her hands over the sides of his face. When ever he asks her "Are you Daddy's pretty girl?" she shakes her head no as she smiles at him.

Also it sounds like she says hi and has since she was about four months. At first I thought nothing of it but she kept saying it. When someone tells her "Hi" she says "Hi" right back. I'm going to have to catch it on film and then get a consensus on whether she is really saying "hi" or not.

Ronan woke up with a black eye and it looks oddly similar to the one he had after his tear duct surgery. I can't think of when he got hurt and he didn't have anything wrong when he went to bed last night so either he hurt himself while he was in bed or something is going on with the tear duct again. I'm planning on calling his ophthalmologist tomorrow and asking.
The first picture is the day after his tear duct surgery and the bottom two are from today.

Tonight was my second Biology class. The way the class works is there is the lecture part on Tuesday nights and then on Thursday nights there is a short lecture and then mainly lab experiments. We started with the very basics of life, Chemistry. We had to do a few things with a microscope and then we had to measure and detect the temperatures of various items. My lab partner has a degree in Chemistry already so I was very fortunate to have her. I haven't used a microscope since I was about 12 so she was a huge help. I helped her because she hadn't gotten her lab book yet so I helped her write the pages and numbers to the answers we were working on.

Tomorrow is cleaning day. In the wake of my classes I have started to slowly trend back into old ways and I refuse to let myself have a relapse. For this reason the kids and I are going to organize and clean the house until it sparkles. When I say the kids this means mostly me with the occasional success of wrangling them into handing me items. Landon and Xander being older are big helpers especially Landon. As long as I give him one task at a time he can get quite a bit done and the great thing is he loves helping.
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