I woke up this morning and ran through the agenda. I had people coming to the house at 11:30 and then Ronan would have a swallow study at 12:30. The location for the swallow study was five minutes away so the two appointments wouldn't conflict. I decided to redo the kids' toy area so it wouldn't look so cluttered and I wanted to get the whole project completed before our guests arrived.

The kids and I worked a good portion of the morning organizing and placing the toys in new containers. I'm not sure if anyone remembers the old set-up from pictures or being at our house but it was a big tote with a lot of toys piled on top. Now the toys are in big drawers and the way they are divided will be much easier for the kids to get what they want without making a huge mess. By 11:00 I was vacuuming and giving the kids various small chores that we needed to have done before I'd feel everything was acceptable for company.

We were done with everything by 11:15 and I began to pack Ronan a food bag for his swallow study. I had to provide all the foods he normally eats and a few extra beyond his skill level. I got the bag packed and looked at the clock it was 11:35. I waited for the doorbell and as I waited I made sure we had everything ready to leave right after the appointment.

While we were waiting I thought we'd practice stair climbing with Ronan. I brought him over to the stairs and he sat at the bottom of the stairs. Finally he reached one knee on the step above him. He made it up two stairs then stood proudly and looked back at me. This now means the gate will be up full time and I couldn't be happier about that fact. This was an accomplishment for my baby boy and it shows he's getting stronger. I had Xander behind him to catch him in case he fell as I took a few pictures. I noticed after snapping a few pictures it was 11:50 and still no visitors. They knew I had an appointment at 12:30 where were they?

When in doubt check the date book. Turns out both appointments are tomorrow. Oops. It's a good thing I thought those people were late so I actually did what I should have in the first place, check the appointment schedule. There's a reason I have to write these things down. The house was reorganized so I couldn't complain. The fact I thought I had people coming over had been extra motivation.

Jadzia cuteness of the day. Jadzia walked into the bathroom today where I was getting ready. She said "Mom, I'm going to have three girls when I grow up. They're going to be named Inara, Hannah and Little Girl."
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