Normally throwing the football around in the house is considered off limits. But what does a mom do when the ring leader of the whole event is dad? Unfortunately I have no pictures to show the father son bonding that took place in the living room , dining room and occasionally the out of bounds kitchen. Still I figured Daddy would have to replace any broken items anyway so it was all resting on his shoulders. Who was I to impede on the best ever let us throw a foot ball around in the house dad?

I do have one picture of Xander with the football. I have been informed the football's name is "Speedy". He is also now officially a reoccurring blog item as he was featured in a former blog about how Inara loves him. The football was selected by Xander out of a claw machine and my dad was able to secure it when he took Xander out on a grandpa/grandson day. Both Isaac and my dad can get just about anything from a claw machine.

Back when Isaac and I were dating Isaac pretty much emptied a newly filled claw machine. I'm not sure if anyone has any claw machine knowledge but back in 2003 the Sugar loaf claw machines were circulating beanie bears from each state that had clear pockets to insert the state quarters. Isaac was able to get all the state bears but 2.

I called about Ronan's eye today and the nurse thought it was very strange. The doctor was out for the day so she's going to give me a phone call on Monday. His eye is looking better today but the bruise is still there. Also I had forgotten that the bruise had also returned about a month ago. I found more pictures of him with his eye bruised and the date was weeks after surgery. I'm not sure why a bruise would keep reoccurring in that spot.

Isaac has gotten a new camera (my dream camera). He's actually taking some photography classes. While I really really love his camera I'm excited just have a nice one in the family. If you haven't guessed by now I have a passion for taking photos mainly ones that have children in them. I once won grand prize in the county fair for my a photo I had taken of a baby duck hatching. Photography has always been a love of mine and I just love being able to freeze time and in that moment you capture an aspect of life you will never experience the same way again.
While I love being able to decipher the perfect photo moments myself I am excited that my husband can capture moments of our kids growing up with a really great camera. Isaac is also excited about his camera and him and I are going out tonight to see what kind of night photos he can capture.
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