Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unexpected Roses

My husband is a romantic at heart and as you can imagine this is of great benefit for me. He came home today with a bag full of goldfish. Now you are probably wondering what is romantic about goldfish and the answer is for us really nothing. But after he got done feeding the goldfish to the turtles he began searching the cupboards. He then went back onto the porch. Xander and Jadzia giggled as one of the turtles jaws snapped onto the fin of a goldfish. I continued making dinner when Isaac returned carrying a big bouquet of roses. The cupboard searching was for the big blue vase so he could arrange the flowers. He doesn't just buy me a dozen roses already compiled. He picks through each rose at the store individually until he decides each rose is pretty enough to be present in the bouquets he gives to me.

I never get roses on my birthday, anniversary, Valentine's day or any other nameable holiday. Isaac reserves rose for unexpected days. Many days throughout the year he randomly decides to stop by the flower store on his way home and buy me a dozen roses. I love this because days can blend together and tasks can overwhelm me. On an ordinary day and many times when I've been internally struggling without me even letting him know things are bothering me he appears at the back door with flowers.
Before the roses came there was the lunch date with Xander and Jadzia. With Landon up at the grandparents Jadzia and Xander were feeling left out. We had lunch, icecream and played at the indoor play place since it was 34 degrees outside.

Upon returning home I received Ronan's test results from his blood work yesterday. It seems his thyroid levels are once again pointing to hypothyroidism. He had a high level when he turned one and was sent to the Endocrinologist. The Endocrinologist tested him twice and both those levels were normal. The Endocrinologist sent him back to his pediatrician to follow the normal testing schedule for children with Down Syndrome.

Once again he has a high level. His pediatrician is unsure if the Endocrinologist will be concerned since she tested him and he had two normal levels. However hypothyroidism in small children can lead to brain damage and a slew of other complications. After talking it over with Isaac I may have to put on my mama bear suit and make sure they take notice that he does keep having bad levels and needs another appointment.I set up an ENT appointment for Ronan for next Wednesday. The ENT will then try and weigh the risks versus the benefits to see if Ronan should have his tonsils removed right away.

Tonight Landon gets to go look at Christmas lights and I've been told he's enjoyed a day of extensive dominoes playing. I think the extra attention he's getting at Grandma's will be good for him. He's always so concerned with how his brothers and sisters are doing that it's nice for him to have a chance to just concentrate on Dominoes and Christmas lights.

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