Monday, February 21, 2011

Recovery... for Most of Us.

Last night Inara started throwing up again but by morning she was able to keep her breakfast down. Ronan needed to get re-checked but his pediatrician's office had 45 walk-ins so they couldn't squeeze him in. I got him into another clinic and brought Jadzia along because she'd been complaining of ear and throat pain. She'd also been coughing for the last five days and it was worsening.

Ronan's lungs are starting to clear and the doctor said to give him the Tamaflu for 24 hours more and then he can stop. Jadzia had bronchitis caused from her influenza. I didn't take Inara because was doing fine and the less exposure the better. I did cancel Ronan's Thursday hearing test because he has to be put under for it and I didn't feel comfortable with him still recovering from the flu and pneumonia. He's a lot happier today and eating better. I didn't get a weight loss tally since it was at a different office. All the scales weigh different and they weighed him with clothes on.
He is looking better but has dark circles under his eyes. My camera flash makes them look lighter than they are. But in person they look like he has two black eyes forming. Isaac has it now the poor man is miserable with chills and body ache. I sympathize because I had it over the last three days and all I have left is a sore throat and cough. He seems to be getting the symptoms in the exact order I did right down to the sharp hip pain. He's staying home tomorrow so I can give him lots of TLC. He needs to be better for Saturday.

On Saturday he's going to be the photographer for the GiGi's playhouse fundraiser Gala. We went formal wear shopping today. We got it all done before Isaac felt sick. It was weird I started to feel better as he got worse. Isaac picked out dresses for me to try on. We found a pretty white dress with a black top. After dress shopping we went suit hunting for him. He's needed dress clothes for awhile. We were excited because the store we walked into was on the last day of buy one get one free on every item but shoes. He was able to get a tux and a suit for the price of one. He's going to look pretty sharp on Saturday.
Xander is the only one left who hasn't gotten this thing. It's a good thing because Xander very rarely gets sick but when he does it usually hits him pretty hard. He gets that from his daddy. Isaac doesn't get sick much but when he does it knocks him out.

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