Sunday, February 13, 2011

Turkey vs. Gorilla

The Inara monthly report is in. She is eight months old today! The thought of my baby being one year old in four months doesn't seem possible. Today she crawled off belly about a foot. She is also getting better at using my hands to pull to stand. I know it won't be long before I find her standing in her crib.
She can wave bye bye. She can put a block in each hand and hit them together but isn't quite clapping yet. She still is mommy obsessed and prefers me to hold her or at least be sitting where she is playing so she can attain mommy comfort at a moments notice. If she doesn't know you expect her to give you a smile from a distance but if you enter her personal space bubble she will notify you with a wail. She loves her Daddy's beard more than most of her toys and he is the only other person she's ok with holding her while mommy is present. She's fine with grandparents if I'm not in the room.She'll be playing contently and then she'll hear or see me and she immediately starts crying and making a dramatic belly crawl to get to me. I'm enjoying having a good bond with her. They grow out of the baby stage so quickly and I'm trying to savor these moments.
Xander wanted to know if a turkey is stronger than a gorilla. I get those type of questions all the time from him. He'll think of something random and ask me if it's stronger than a gorilla. I'm unsure if he's pondering hosting gorilla fights someday. He also really wants to go to Disney World and he found out if you win Funniest Home Videos that along with the cash you win a family trip to Disney World. Now he is on a quest to make a funny video and this is what prompted him to walk around the house in Ronan's pajamas.Maybe someday we'll make it out to Disney World. He wants me to submit a video but I really can't think of any funny enough to win. Landon is having fun at Grandma's, he's made a few friends and they played with nerf guns and built a couple of snowmen. I'm so used to having him here that tonight when I got toothbrushes out I got his ready complete with toothpaste on it. Grandma has a toothbrush for him at her house so I never have to pack toiletries. I got through the other kids and saw his tooth brush waiting for his use.

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