Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sailor Hats and Toy Drawers

Today no one went to church. Everyone was feeling sick and with the babies still coughing it didn't seem like a wise option. Xander received his sailor hat last week for patch club and several achievement pins. He is very proud if it. I have to remind him he can't wear it all the time because it has to stay nice. Landon got one too but has been at Grandma's so he hasn't seen it yet. Landon returns tomorrow and this will bring his total days gone to 16 (tomorrow would be day 17). This is the longest he has ever been gone and as I've said several days in a row now it will be a blessing to have him back.

Ronan discovered how to open the toy drawers. I need to get a picture of how he picks out toys now. I should have tonight but I was busy at the time. He stands on his little tip toes and peers into the drawer. He then pushes all the toys around until he finds whatever object has the most appeal. I say object rather than toy because for some reason Ronan finds fascination in the strangest items. He would be content to have a slinky over a truck and a sock over a stuffed animal. He likes anything he can manipulate in his hands. The thought has occurred to me that I should get him some play dough but he would eat it. I suppose I need to start looking into edible playdough recipes. Maybe then we could work on chewing and eating strengths at the same time.
Inara has been grumpy today. Daddy brought a few smiles out in her for a little while today. The rest of the time she's fussed and kind of moped around. I know from her continued hoarseness and cough that she just doesn't feel good. I really dislike her being sick. She's so little and I just want her better. Ronan isn't completely well either but he's getting there and he's more of his happy self.Tomorrow I'm giving my informative speech for my speech class. Normally I'm nervous about giving speeches but I'm ecstatic about this one. I'm going to be talking about Down Syndrome which is a subject I'm passionate about for obvious reasons. I love the fact I can spread awareness while accomplishing my education goals. We are allowed to wear any clothes we would normally wear to class so I'm going to be wearing my Gigi's playhouse shirt. I have a short piece about Gigi's included in my speech.

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