Saturday, April 23, 2011

All to do with Eggs

Isaac got to join us at the Easter egg hunt because he figured out yesterday what was wrong with the internet. We were able to cancel the repairman. The day started out at a nice temperature and sunny unlike the predicted cloudy skies. This took a turn about the time we were leaving for the hunt. The skies clouded over and the wind began to chill the air.I was paired with my Ronan man and I was fortunate enough to get to be inside. Children two and under were the only group with an indoor egg hunt. Everyone else got to feel the wind chill. This was good for Ronan because if this had not been the case he would have missed the hunt since exposing him to the wind for too long would have been a bad idea.The big kids had their faces painted. Xander was a lion, Jadzia a kitty and Landon requested a snake which the painter chose to have the snake slithering across Landon's nasal bridge. There was a brief appearance from the Easter bunny and we got a group picture. Aunt Alana (my sister in-law) had to hold Jadzia because she was too afraid of him. She is going through the stage of all costume characters being terrifying.Isaac, Grandma Fullmer and Alana took all five of the older children out to their hunt. I got in line with Ronan and Grandpa Fullmer hung back with Inara. When they released the yellow tap and said go around thirty parents and toddlers bounded into the egg arena. Ronan was more interested in sitting in the middle of all the candy admiring the colorfulness of the taffy. I scooped up a few eggs for him and then left the rest for the other kids. I gave one purple egg to Inara which she was more than pleased with.On the way out we made a brief stop to get all the kid's pictures taken with the fire trucks. Back at our house we had lunch. There were cupcakes for dessert. I let Ronan chow down on one which he readily devoured. He's done ok with cupcakes in the past and I thought he would handle this one ok. Instead he irritated his sensitive esophagus. This brought his cough and vocal irritation. I felt bad about it.We dyed 36 eggs and decorated a few. Alana helped me to tack Ronan's pants up. I can not sew to save my life and Ronan's pants were way too long. He's a short little guy and had to have his pants taken up several inches. Thankfully Alana knew what to do.For the evening we went back to my in-laws hotel to go swimming. My mother in-law had her Easter things ready for the kids once they got done swimming. The boys got khung zhu pets and carrying cases, and Jadzia got a hula hoop and a streamer.Tomorrow is a big day. We have church , including the kids' Easter play. Next we are planning on a nice family dinner, followed by our private Easter Egg hunt and the baskets from my mom and I. Tomorrow should be a great time with family.

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