Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ballerina Leaps

I had a dentist appointment today at a new dentist. This was the first dentist that wanted to pull my wisdom teeth simply because they are there and may some day get cavities. I told him I like them and since they fit fine they are staying where they are. I think this dentist was wisdom teeth happy because I heard him tell four other patients in the room with me that they needed their wisdom teeth pulled. I talked to Isaac about it and he was in agreement since they are not causing me any problems and as the dentist admitted they are fitting fine I'm going to keep them for now. I have to go back on Friday to get my cavities filled for other teeth.Ronan had his first big therapy day. This is a new type of session we are trying out. Instead of making him go to therapy four days a week he's going to have all his therapy in an hour and a half one day a week. His OT, Speech, and PT all overlap and work with each other during the session. This first part is feeding therapy followed by Speech. The therapist got him to sign "Ball" today. Next he has OT and she focused on getting him to push buttons on toys and shake a slinky.

The PT worked on standing and walking. She had him stand on a platform swing and hold onto the ropes as she gently swung it. He loved it and didn't want to get off. The swing also acted as a calming mechanism. When he was getting cranky from the therapy we would take a break and swing him and he would calm down and be ready for more therapy. I think this is going to work out really well and much better than multiple days. I really like all his new therapists. They really work well with Ronan and help to push him just enough but keep him from having a full out meltdown.When we got back Jadzia was begging me to dig her ballerina costume out. The day was beautiful so after helping her put on her leotard, tights and tutu I took her outside for a little photo shoot. My favorites were the pictures of her leaping into the air. She really wants us to put her in ballet class in the fall. She calls ballet class "Pink class". Her greatest ambition has become to be a ballerina princess when she grows up. I remember the wonderment of childhood dreams if only we were all able to hold onto those longer.

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