Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Family Adopts Pet Dragon.

Now I am convinced that not only has Landon been sneaking peaks at my Biology textbook but he must also read/watch the news. He informed today that lots of people got up really early to watch a prince and and princess get married. He says he knows that now they will have a bunch of babies and maybe adopt a pet dragon. I haven't talked about the royal wedding at all and Landon really doesn't watch a lot of tv let alone anywhere he could have heard about the royal wedding. He was up before me today so my best guess is maybe he caught a broadcast about it. Either way I thought his prediction for their future was cute.I'm not sure if my girls are really vain but today their favorite game was to kiss themselves in the mirror. Maybe it's the fact that on a daily basis their dad tells them they are the most gorgeous girls ever.
Today was a pretty laid back day. We only had one appointment this week so it made it a very easy week. I got some extra time with the babies while the big kids were gone. Isaac and I are deciding what to do with the boys for school next year. So far homeschooling has gone really well and we are leaning towards continuing for next year. Ronan might attend a preschool program that will help him learn more communication skills. I still haven't completely decided on that yet but I know I want him to have more one on one time in the Speech department.Isaac and I are possibly going to have our date night tonight. He had a meeting he had to attend and if that gets out soon enough we'll go out. I really enjoy being able to go out with him. We are able to talk and renew our relationship.

By the way I can't credit the blog entries completely to myself. I couldn't accomplish this every night without the help of Inara. She is an awesome helper. All the random key pushing adds great intrigue to the blog.

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