Friday, April 8, 2011

Dental Fillings

I went to get my teeth filled today. They could only do two and I have two more that need filled. I was happy that they used white composite filling rather than the amalgam. Also they tend to cater towards children more than adults. This ended up being a benefit to me because everything was painless. They numbed me before they numbed me. Then the dentist kept telling me very slowly and calmly what the next step would be. When he got ready to give me the numbing shots (I was already numb from a topical) he said "now you are going to feel a few little pinches remember to breathe through your nose and stay calm."
I was thinking I birthed five babies and three with no pain relief whatsoever, I have this down. I barely felt a thing with the needles either. I have to say this was the smoothest dental work I have ever had done. Note to self in the future always find a dentist who works more with children than adults. I have to go back on Tuesday to finish everything.
Tomorrow is the big clothing sale and I have to say I'm pretty excited. I get to go shopping without any of the kids present. I'm going to enjoy a morning out. Jadzia has already requested I locate any and all tutus they have for sale and buy them. I'm hoping to get her into ballet class this fall and we'll just have to see how things go. I know she'd love every minute of it. She's done self study ballet for the last three years. All the twirling and leaping through the house has got to be a bonus for an entry level ballerina.

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